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Seriously, what good really comes out of Monday?  I wake up in the morning and everything feels like any other day of the week to me until I get to Facebook and see the barrage of posts about it being another Monday and how most people in the general population want to commit homicide against the day itself.  (What is that, diemcide?)  I’m fortunate that I’m not currently working, so Mondays do literally come and go unnoticed by me.  Unfortunately, not for my fiancé, but I know the day is different when I wake up in the morning and I’m suddenly alone.  It’s the chance I get to capre diem solo and see what kind of procrastination I can get up to.

Don’t get me wrong, when I was working Monday’s were the worst.  I was always late to work, I dragged ass until Tuesday afternoon and was on the verge of slitting my wrists.  But that had more to do with the fact that I loathed my job, (the entire reason I quit, actually, but that’s another day, another blog).  But these days, not so much.  I know I have to get things accomplished on Mondays to ensure my household keeps running and my fiancé isn’t stressing about anything.  It’s a chore, but one that I do happily and gratefully.

So, what does Wine & Write bring us on this Monday?  Answer: a lot of productivity, actually.  After making a rather awesome BBQ pull pork dinner in the crock pot, I ate my spicy BBQ sandwich with a glass of the Nemea I brought home from the Greek Festival yesterday.  All in all, it blends well with spicy, beefy meals.  I need to see what else I can pair it with this week so I can finish off the bottle before it goes bad (red wines turn to vinegar quickly in my house).  After, I dedicated two hours to my modest Monday night TV viewing, consisting of Sleepy Hollow and James Spader’s new drama, The BlacklistSleepy Hollow is turning out to be a great bit of fun.  Nice horror and gore take on a classic legend and a nice combination of a bit of tall, dark and British (Tom Mison) to keep me going.   The Blacklist, however, is still a bit of a struggle.  I love, Love, LOVE James Spader and his top notch acting chops brings me to anything he utters a syllable in, however, I’m having trouble staying interested in the other characters in his new show.  He needs an evil nemesis whose acting ability and on screen chemistry is equally comparable.  Shall I dare hope William Shatner is available?

Either way, awesome James Spader with bad supporting cast television aside, I got about 2000 words written tonight and about halfway through this current chapter.  With any luck I’ll finish it tomorrow.  In the meantime, keep writing, keep the wine flowing and I’d love to hear from others who are taking part in the challenge with me.
